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The Enterprise Java Newscast, hosted by Kito D. Mann, Ian Hlavats, and Daniel Hinojosa, is a monthly podcast that covers the latest headlines in the world of enterprise software development.

Brought to you by expert training and consulting for Java EE, Web Components, Angular and more.


Apr 9, 2012

Kito, Ian, and Daniel the PrimeFaces / ICEfaces controversy, JSF 2.2, and new releases of MyFaces, Mojarra, ICEfaces, PrettyFaces, DeltaSpike, JBoss EAP, Hibernate, IronJacamer Spring Roo, IBM WebSphere, Liferay, MyBatis for Scala, and more.

New Releases

MyFaces Extensions CDI 1.0.4 - Release Notes

MyFaces Core 2.1.6  -...